CEO blog(en)

Franchise Opportunities in your country!

Written by Akira Tsuchiya(en) | Jul 8, 2023 8:09:45 AM

We decided 10 years ago to change Japan.

An aging Japan, a Japan with no resources, what do we have?

When we thought about what assets we had, it was "food" and "franchise".

We will supply the world with what the world needs.

By doing so, Japan will earn foreign currency. Without earning foreign currency, Japan will shrink.

The birth rate is not increasing, the population is decreasing, and the population is aging rapidly.

There was only one way to survive in such a Japan.

Change our country.

Change our environment.

Change our country's environment.

What kind of content is best for that?

In Japan, it was not industrial products such as cars and home appliances, but food.

Because the world was looking for it in Japan.

We thought that the best scenario for Japan's revival would be to supply exactly that.

Japanese food, sushi, tempura, ramen, curry, and sweets.

Japanese food is rich in culinary categories and ingredients. It is rare to find a national cuisine with so many culinary categories and ingredients.

It is not a national project to spread Japanese food throughout the world.

The world naturally recognized Japanese food.

This kind of food is strong. The same goes for anime and manga. They are not something that someone intentionally spread, but something that spontaneously spread throughout the world.

However, both Japanese food and Japanese cuisine can be franchised.

In order to create a business that does not require craftsmanship, everything was packaged through trial and error, with operations structured and quantified so that even amateurs can do it.

Only key ingredients are sent from Japan. Only the key ingredients are sent from Japan according to the business type.

If this is blurred, the business type will not be similar.

Also, overseas operating companies can expand their business with confidence because of this system.

Japanese companies wanting to expand globally

Overseas companies that want to provide authentic Japanese food in their home countries

Assentia Holdings is the bridge between these companies, and the franchise system is the main content that makes this possible.

>>What is Assentia Holdings?

Assentia Holdings is managed mainly by members who have been engaged in the franchise business in Japan for 35 years.

The predecessor company of Ascentia Holdings has a track record of developing 1,800 franchisees and 8,000 stores in partnership with more than 50 franchise headquarter companies in Japan.

The company is not limited to food, but also partners with various service businesses and supports franchises in general, both in Japan and overseas.

As of 2021, the company has 185 stores in 20 countries overseas. <<

Are there any U.S.-started franchise chains in your country?

McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Starbucks, Subway.

Are they successful as businesses in your country?

Do they have multiple stores?

What do you think?


If a similar Japanese food franchise were to expand in your country, would you be able to imagine its success? Can you imagine a business that is as large as, if not larger than, an American franchise? I am sure you can.

People around the world share the common understanding that Japanese food is very healthy.

Many people overseas know that Japanese food is the reason for Japan's longevity. Yet, when it comes to franchises, there are only franchises that originated in the U.S. and very few that originated in Japan. Is there not a great business opportunity here?

In addition, it is obvious that the number of inbound customers to Japan will drastically increase due to the recent abnormally low yen.

The main purpose of inbound visitors to Japan is Japanese food.

People who have eaten authentic Japanese food will want to eat authentic Japanese food in their own countries as well.

This is where a big market opportunity lies.

Franchise authentic Japanese food in your country.

Do you have an idea of what success looks like?

We are now looking for many overseas partners for Japanese food franchise.

We can introduce successful Japanese food franchises in your country.

Please contact us.

Assentia Holdings Inc.

CEO Akira Tsuchiya