It's not what you do, but who you do it with!

It's not what you do, but who you do it with!
What you do is important, but who you do it with is even more important!
This is what I have been saying since 1995, when I founded my first company at the age of 29.
This is how we have hired our own employees and developed our own franchisees. Depending on the kind of people you work with, the joy of your work will increase many times over and the pain will decrease.
It is a strange thing.
At my age, I think that the most valuable asset I have is the connections I have made with people. That is what it is all about. Not so much connections, but connections between people.
Whenever I start a business, the connections I have made in the past through faithful relationships will accelerate its success. Nothing is more meaningless than a life without those connections. You should face your past.
If you succeed in doing something, there is naturally much to be happy and pleased about. If you succeed in doing something with someone else, the power of the joy is unbelievable. Its magnitude can be tens or hundreds of times greater.
People who feel joy in making others happy and in being appreciated by others are truly happy. Everything becomes a positive chain.
As a criterion for all decisions,
I would like to emphasize the importance of "not what you do, but with whom you do it.
This is also important in the franchise business. Who you do it with (make a contract with) is important! This is important. What kind of franchisee and what kind of business will you do?
The success of a franchise is determined more than 95% there. Who will you sign a contract with? This is why you should never apply for a franchise on an online franchise recruitment site and immediately sign a contract. It is good for population building, but the applicants who apply on online sites are often individuals, and the quality of the applicants is low.
A good franchise headquarters would want to have a development unit with policies and a development unit that fits their company. It should have franchisee diagnostic criteria conducted by the president's alter ego, and it should be a unit that develops its business with pride and continues to look for and find like-minded people to find.
If we don't have "confidence" in our products, we can't sell them. Whether it is a product or a business.
This is true not only in franchise sales, but also in the business of selling products. If you do not have confidence in your product, it will not resonate with the customer's soul. In short, it will not sell.
Franchisee development sales is one of the most difficult jobs in sales. This is because the product has no form.
Would you like to do business? The rights fee (franchise fee) is 5 million yen. The initial cost of the business is 70 million yen. Do you want to do it? This is the kind of sales.
This is difficult. Selling something invisible and intangible. And it is an expensive product.
The only way to sell it is to get the business owner to concretely visualize the dream of success. Therefore, it is difficult.
Sell your personality. That is why it is called selling yourself or selling credibility.
Are you a fraud or a person of character? This is the conflict.
I have been in the franchise business for 25 years, and I still have relationships with many business owners.
When I was 26 years old, my first franchise development project was Restaurant San Marco, which required a franchise fee of 10 million yen per restaurant and an initial investment of about 200 million yen. I am still connected with them today. I am truly grateful.
Franchising is also a "sharing" business, as it is often referred to these days. Direct management is "ownership and exclusive use," while franchise development is "sharing.
This is a big difference.
And the most important thing is "sharing" it with "whom".
Assentia Holdings Akira