Management that doesn't have to worry about people!

Management that doesn't have to worry about people!
The benefit of continuing the partner get-togethers (MTG dinners with only part-time workers and the president). It was the recruitment of human resources.
Recently, I think it has become even more difficult to hire people compared to the time when I was running a restaurant company called Prime Link. Recruitment is difficult, people do not show up for information sessions, interviews are full of cancellations, and it is difficult to hire not only Japanese, but even non-Japanese. I often hear such stories.
People say that they can't get people to attend recruitment fairs or interviews, but in the case of a labor-intensive business like food and beverage, the targets for recruitment are already within the company.
They are part-time workers, partners, and non-regular employees.
They know.
Yes, they know the company, they know the employees, they know the business, they know the customers, they know. No one would be more grateful to have them as employees.
These are people who have a relationship with the company in some small way. Are there any managers or store managers who are involved with them with the enthusiasm to "influence their lives"?
I think they would feel as much as they want if management were serious.
A company that just treats its employees well, pays them well per hour, and offers good benefits, but does not reward them for working there, and where human relations are so strained that they cannot feel growth for their own future.
Would I want to work for such a company?
Even if the hourly wage is a little lower, the work is fun, the relationships are not awkward, and it is a company that is good for your future. A company where I can feel self-growth and feel that it is useful for my future dream and work. A company that has managers and store managers who take my future more seriously than my school teachers or parents.
Even if they eventually go on to work for another company, they will never forget the company, manager, or store manager who taught them about life. Even after they get a job, they may return to that company because they do not find it rewarding. I actually had many such experiences during my time at Prime Link.
Would we want to be such an organization, and if we were such an organization, would we have trouble recruiting human resources?
Teach students and part-timers about life, not about work. What they want to know and what they are most anxious about is their future and their future.
If we become a presence that seriously, together, and through our work, thinks about them, won't we attract more and more talented people to join our company?
But the point is the degree of seriousness.
People sense with their sense of smell. They sense it with their sixth sense. It's the same in sales and everything else. It is the same in sales and everything else. Seriousness without any evil intentions will be conveyed to people.
Rather than someone who is dressed up and has nothing inside, someone who is serious about life is more beautiful and inspiring, even if he or she is not cool or ugly. Such an environment attracts human resources.
Coolness (appearance) = hourly wage. What's inside = philosophy, social value, enjoyable work, meaningful time consumption.
Not just as a labor force or a part of the team, but seriously like a parent, we should worry about not only our employees but also our "part-time workers and partners.
What will happen?
What happens now?
Akira Tsuchiya, AssentiaHoldings Pte.
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