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Startup of reproduction plant. 現地再生産開始

In Indonesia, the reproduction plant started operation on December 1, 2021.

It will take three weeks of incubation before the first product can be reproduced. The product was completed at the end of last year, and in 2022 we will start to use the Indonesian-produced TOKYO8 in actual farmland.



The reproduction plant was built as a DIY project using four used IBC containers, two air pumps (to supply oxygen to the water), pipes, and solar panels and storage batteries to secure the power supply.



The first tank of the plant, which is made by connecting four IBC containers, is filled with 10 liters of TOKYO8 stock solution sent from Japan once a month. Then, organic matter and water are added daily to feed the microorganisms.
In Indonesia, we use 5 kg of cow dung per day to feed the microorganisms. We put in 95 liters of water. One cow takes more than 5 kg of dung per day.



One cow takes more than 5 kg of dung per day.

Production adjustment of TOKYO8 is simple. The maximum production volume is 100 liters, but you can adjust the production volume by reducing the amount of dung and water input. If you put in 100 liters, you will produce 100 liters of product. If you put in 10 liters, you will produce 10 liters of product.
