It is the age of the individual!

It is the age of the individual!
Lately, I really think that we are in the "age of the individual".
The Internet and social media have accelerated this.
The Internet infrastructure is in place, and the speed of the Internet is accelerating.
Monsters have begun to play with the platform created by the Internet.
Work that used to require an organization to do is now being done more and more.
Writers and journalists
Like thumbwriters, Amazon's new sales method allows books to be published completely without going through a publishing house.
In addition, they will receive more copyright fees than ever before.
It is possible to live as an "individual" author. As long as you have the ability.
Radio commentator
Internet radio and other forms of radio will appear more and more in the future.
It will be like radiko today.
Each "individual" will sign a contract with a radio station as an independent personality.
TV presenters, entertainers, and casters
Internet TV and broadband broadcasters like Japan Internet Broadcasting Co.
I had a chance to talk with the president of this company, and his ideas are innovative!
This is an age when both individuals and corporations can have their own TV programs.
The company's web address is, which is a lie and cannot be converted into money (when did they get this address?). (How long have they had this address?)
I believe that the Internet will become TV before TV becomes the Internet.
This is the age of the individual, and that is why people are looking for connections.
Each of us is connected to the other.
The external brain. People who don't know about things they don't know are kind enough to tell us about them.
There is a lot of software that comes with this.
This is a real-time display of photos uploaded by people all over the world who are tweeting on twitter.
By filtering by segment or hashtag, you can see what is happening in a particular genre, and what is happening around the world.
I think this information is faster than some news agencies.
is another example. You can see photos uploaded from all over the world by area using geotags.
You can see what's hot in what country and what's hot in what area.
What used to take hours of time and money can now be solved instantly.
I think that as Internet technology advances further and further, things that were unthinkable until now will be solved.
At that time, what will people think and do?
The future of work will change dramatically over the next year.
Sales promotion, restaurant business, word-of-mouth communication, etc. etc.
The U.S. is still the fastest in these areas.
The other day, I heard about the launch of a hit American website in Japan. (Still undecided, off the record)
Interesting angle. The site is soaring in the U.S. Will it work in Japan?
In the future, what will happen to businesses that deal in products that will be replaced by data in the real world?
Apple's itune has fundamentally changed the way we listen to music.
YouTube has fundamentally changed the way we listen to music and watch videos.
Recently, many people are listening to music on YouTube while using their cell phones with 3G connection (flat rate).
→I tried it. It's quite useful.
For example, DVDs, CDs, and books. It's tough to be in the business of dealing with things that can be digitized in real stores.
DVDs, music, and now e-books will be replaced by the Internet.
What will happen to used bookstores in the future when books are distributed online? Will they have any value?
Books will not become used books. Because of data.
The future. There are two directions.
The future of the Internet will be further eroded by the Internet.
The future of the Internet will be more and more networked and various things will be eroded.
(Food and beverage industry, it's an opportunity!)
A blog post I wrote a year ago appeared on the front page of today's Nikkei, with the top right-hand corner article.
Telemedicine using plastic optical fiber. Entering the realization stage.
The day is near when the Internet will surpass the five senses.
This is the blog at that time.
Will the Net transcend the five senses?
The five human senses, hearing, sight, smell, touch, and taste, are the greatest assets God has given to mankind.
The Internet is about to go beyond these five senses through virtuality.
Hearing Hearing sound
Something that allows us to hear sounds in remote places, instead of hearing them in real life at that place.
It is radio.
It took 38 years to reach 50 million radio listeners in the United States.
It is now possible to hear remote sounds. Virtual technology has made it possible.
Sight Seeing things
Seeing things remotely, not directly, and its instruments.
That is television.
It took 13 years for the number of television viewers in the U.S. to reach 50 million.
It took 13 years to reach 50 million television viewers in the U.S. It is now possible to see things remotely. Virtual technology has made it possible.
Smell To smell things.
About two years ago, a French TV company developed a TV that emits smells.
They developed a device that emits the smell of curry when curry is shown on TV.
Virtual technology has made the sense of smell remote.
Tactile Sense Sense of touching an object.
Telemedicine is evolving.
A dedicated optical fiber has been installed to allow a scalpel to be operated from a remote location.
The time is coming when everything can be operated remotely via the Internet.
The state of the retina seen at Hospital A can be viewed in real time at Hospital B, 100 km away.
It is the virtualization of vision.
The Internet is rapidly changing the world.
It will only take 5 years for the Internet to penetrate 50 million people in the U.S.
Taste Sense of tasting things
In this field, the Internet has not yet surpassed the real world. Is this an area that needs to be addressed in the future?
As we can see, the scope of our lives is expanding from the real to the virtual, and the scope of our activities is expanding.
The range of activities is expanding.
Gaia no Yoake (Dawn of Gaia) had a special feature on telemedicine.
The best doctors will perform the surgery. Not directly, but virtually through the Internet.
What does this indicate? The answer is simple.
The same is true of tutoring schools. Lectures are given over the Internet.
A teacher from a well-known prep school in Tokyo can give a lecture even if he or she is in Okinawa or Hokkaido.
It is much more valuable than learning locally from a teacher who has no ability to teach.
It is a wonderful thing.
What this shows is clear.
People with ability will be able to work virtually more and more,
And for those who are not capable, the virtualization will take their jobs.
Daniel Pink's book "High Concept" describes this in detail.
The Internet will make it possible to consult the best academics, the best medical technology, and the best lawyers from all over the world, no matter where they are located.
the best medical technology, and the best lawyers from all over the world.
There is an IBM commercial that goes something like this.
A child living in the foothills of the Himalayas wants to learn but cannot. Naturally, he lives with his parents on a dairy farm during the day.
The idea is that the child can use the Internet to learn as much as a well-known school in the city center.
The idea is that this child can learn as much as a famous school in the city center using the internet.
Thank you for learning. The Net has satisfied my intellectual curiosity.
The more the Net evolves, the more it enriches our lives.
It is up to mankind to decide how to use it.
There are great social contributions and business opportunities in what we want to make useful using the Net.
The net depends on how humans use it.
Ascentia Holdings Corporation
Akira Tsuchiya
Assentia Holdings,Inc.
Akira Tsuchiya