Creating Burning Comrades!

Creating Burning Comrades!
Is Reward All It Takes to Create Burning Comrades (like-minded people)? Is compensation enough to create a group of like-minded people?
As a service provider, we often hear people say, "We don't have good executives," "We need good store managers," or "We need employees who can think like managers.
It would be great if we could hire and develop such employees, but that is rarely the case. The environment in which such employees are born depends on their surroundings and the influence they receive from their surroundings.
Where does corporate culture come from? If we formulate an appropriate corporate philosophy, will such people be born? It is not like that.
A corporation has a personality just as a person has a personality. It is a legal 'personality' (corporate culture).
A person's personality is something that emerges over many years as a result of the influences of those around him or her, melding with his or her own thinking. In the same way, it is not the hardware but the software that creates corporate culture. It is created by the personality of each and every employee melding with each other.
If this is the case, then the corporate culture is the aggregate of the personalities of each and every employee and part-timer.
This is what "creating culture" means.
Each employee creates his or her own personality, which in turn influences those around them, and the form (style) and inclusions that propagate this style and inclusions create the corporate philosophy. It is not the personality of each individual that creates culture, but the ideas, thoughts, etc. that are created by influencing each other that become culture. This is why the words, ideas, and identities created by each individual are so important.
Many companies often say that the philosophy they set forth is just a "picture of a cake".
What does your company do? If you are in the restaurant business, do you simply serve food? If you are in the restaurant business, do you simply serve food or do you provide a third place, like Starbucks?
Is it a cab company that simply transports customers? Is it a cab company that gives customers the best possible experience while they are in transit?
Even in the same business or industry, a company can take any shape it wants, depending on its thinking and approach.
A corporate philosophy is a promise to customers, employees, and shareholders. The employees and part-timers are the comrades who are influenced by the corporate philosophy.
Hiring just anyone or anything is not enough to be comrades.
Training is important for employees, but recruiting is even more important before that. The key is whether or not they can agree with your promise (philosophy).
When I founded Prime Link, a restaurant company, I put the most emphasis on recruitment. Even back then, I couldn't attract people to the restaurant business, so I created a philosophy first. I preached it and made people who were moved by it into employees.
The "Inspiration Sharing Business."
This philosophy would later be used by many companies in different forms. At first, it was my company.
I can still explain how we came up with this philosophy. I think all the old ex-employee members can explain it. The three stages of the emotion-sharing business. Not offering, not creating, but sharing (I'll write more about this in the next issue).
In short, recruitment. We are not in the restaurant business, but in the "emotion-sharing business".
We have decided in our stomachs to do "human development" together.
When we were recruiting in this way, real ''warriors'' would gather.
Of the one-hour interview at that time, 55 minutes was me talking about my dream. I was excited myself as I talked.
The people who were inspired by that excitement were the first founding members. After the interview, I told them, "If you want to join us, call me yourself.
And that was the end of it.
Everyone who wanted to work with me called me. And then, I was hired.
That's how we started our business, creating "like-minded people who are on fire.
Akira Tsuchiya, Assentia Holdings Pte.
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