What companies create.

What companies create.
Last year's financial results were announced.
Last year's financial results: Hitachi 788 billion yen in the red, Toyota 461 billion yen in the red, Sharp, and Sony.
Sharp, Sony... A parade of losses.
Amidst all this, there are two companies that have been making record profits since their establishment: Oriental Land (which operates Disneyland) and Nintendo.
They are Oriental Land (which operates Disneyland) and Nintendo.
These two companies have something in common.
What is it?
Both companies do not sell commodities.
In this once-in-a-century economic climate, some companies are suffering
Some companies are struggling, while others are growing steadily even in this recession.
Some companies are suffering, while others are growing steadily despite the recession.
What is the difference?
The companies that are doing well did not anticipate this recession.
Then why are they growing now?
It is because they are not selling "goods.
Then, what are Oriental Land and Nintendo selling?
Nintendo is selling Wii, Oriental Land is selling Disney, and so on.
With that way of thinking, we cannot see the essence of what they are selling.
When you enter Disneyland, what do you receive in exchange for your money?
It is a piece of paper called a ticket.
No one pays 5,000 yen or 6,000 yen for a piece of paper.
What Disney is selling is an experience.
What comes after the tertiary industry in the U.S. is the experience economy.
Experience Economy. It has been said that the next step after the tertiary industry in the U.S. is the experience economy.
It's not about paying for a box called Wii.
They are selling "experiences" and "experiences" such as the experience of Wii and family communication,
They are selling "experiences and experiences".
The same goes for Apple. iphone3G is doing very well and they are reporting excellent financial results.
They are not selling a cell phone, but an experience that can be obtained through the use of the iphone,
This is not about selling a cell phone, but about the experience that you get with an iphone, an experience that you cannot get with a regular phone,
They are buying experiences that you can't get with a regular phone, experiences that you can buy in the app store.
Experience economy, experience economy.
When I founded Prime Link Inc. in 1995, I decided on the philosophy
We decided on the philosophy of "an emotion-sharing business.
That philosophy remains unchanged today.
We want to be a company that shares experiences.
We want to be a company that shares our customers' joys and sorrows.
We want to be a company that our customers always come back to.
We want to be a company that is very close to its customers.
Business is a franchise, and a franchise is a shared philosophy.
We must not lose this axis.
We will lose our sense of what we are.
Business changes society and the world.
That is the kind of work I want to be involved in.
Snappy Auctions is no exception.
We are very close to our customers.
I can feel their joy firsthand.
Spreading the word to the world. With a sense of mission.
People are nurtured by the work they do. The environment creates people depending on what kind of work you do.
Management is a job to create people.
A respected manager once told me, "Artists create the colors of the times.
Artists create the colors of the times.
Musicians create the sounds of the times.
An architect creates the forms of his time.
Managers continue to create the people of the times."
If more and more people seriously work based on such principles
I feel that the world will change.
Assentia Holdings,Inc.
Akira Tsuchiya