HOTEL to make you healthy, HOTEL GREAT MORNING

A HOTEL that makes you healthy just by staying there
This hotel uses only F-CON, a windless air conditioning system.
Unlike air conditioners, this cooling and heating system uses far-infrared rays, and unlike air conditioners, it does not generate any wind at all, does not generate dust, prevents dryness, and does not cause a dry throat in the morning even if it is kept running while sleeping.
The F-CON system also consumes less electricity, and the electricity bill for 26 rooms in the 9-story HOTEL GREAT MORNING (Fukuoka City, Fukuoka) with F-CON throughout the entire building in August in mid-summer was 250,000 JPY per month with the air conditioning on 24 hours a day, less than half that of a hotel of the same size that uses general air conditioning.
(HOTEL GREAT MORNING has a total floor space of 1,300 square meters. The electricity bill in midwinter in January and February is 130,000 JPY to 150,000 JPY in the first and second years, with heating use at 50,000 JPY to 60,000 JPY, and at peak heat in August, electricity bill is 230,000 JPY to 250,000 JPY with cooling cost at 160,000 JPY to 180,000 JPY. However, these figures are not due to F-CON alone, but to our efforts in all areas, including construction methods. The electricity bill has risen sharply in the past year, so the cost may be 30% or more higher than the above figures. (Comment from President Nieda)
Misconceptions about Cooling and Heating
We continue to take for granted the use of air conditioning, which was invented more than 100 years ago.
However, when we look deeper into our sensation of "hot" and "cold," we find that it is not temperature or humidity but "radiation" that has the greatest effect on our sensation of temperature.
In the case of indoor air conditioning, it is the radiation from the walls and ceilings.
(Illustration of Mitsubishi Electric's famous air conditioner function in Japan)
Imagine this.
A cold, sunny day in winter. When the sun is shining, you feel warm, but the moment the sun hides behind a cloud, you feel cold.
The temperature is the same, but the temperature you feel varies greatly depending on the radiation from the sun.
Heat travels on light (far-infrared radiation). Instantly.
Have you ever heard of the phenomenon of radiative cooling? It is a word that appears in winter weather forecasts.
It is a phenomenon in which the temperature drops dramatically on a clear winter morning.
The "radiation" in this radiative cooling phenomenon refers to the phenomenon in which heat on the earth is carried by light (far-infrared rays) to the far reaches of space in the sky, where there are no clouds or other obstructions.
Heat is transferred by light.
Air is an insulator.
Air conditioners, which we have taken for granted, use energy to heat and cool air, which, like sweaters and fleece, are excellent insulators (they insulate by creating layers of air).
And this is despite the fact that the effect of the air we heat or cool in this way on the temperature we feel is only 25%.
Twice the energy-saving capability of the latest air conditioners
F-CON makes hotel management healthier because it does not use energy to heat or cool the air, but only to radiate it, which directly affects the temperature you feel.
Energy is used only to maintain a constant temperature of the water (10 degrees in summer and 40 degrees in winter) that flows into the radiator (the floor-to-ceiling panel on the right of the photo), which is located once per room, and turns the entire room into a comfortable space.
Not only that, but also our commitment to health
Building itself
Only the healthiest products are used in the hotel.
The air is maintained at a comfortable sensory temperature by F-CON, and humidity is automatically maintained at around 50% in summer and winter.
Furthermore, a large amount of negative ions have also been calculated.
No wonder many people say the indoor environment of F-CON is "like being in a forest.
The water is hydrogen water, which has the world's highest level of oxidation-reduction potential, and the water in the showers is of the highest quality, polished with far-infrared rich ceramics.
The spa offers a mist sauna that sprays water specially treated with ceramics as a mist.
The mist sauna is intended to warm the entire body instead of a bathtub, but unlike high-temperature saunas, the room temperature is about 42 degrees Celsius, so you can take a long bath without feeling suffocated, and you can also enjoy conversation inside.
At Great morning, each suite is individually equipped with a sauna.
For other particulars, we would like you to actually visit the hotel and experience them for yourself.
Business Model
We are in the health business.
FUTAEDA Corporation develops and sells F-CON and manages HOTEL GREAT MORNING.
The company has been consistently developing products for "healthy living," from stone research to bedrock baths to Hikari-Keihan (now F-CON), so we can offer a healthy HOTEL and a business that proposes good health.
There are three types of development methods
Using the same trade name as HOTEL GREAT MORNING in Hakata, Fukuoka, the entire building is F-CON, and all water, bedding, and fittings are health and earth-friendly.
The building can be a new construction or renovation of an existing building.
Development of lodging with GREAT MORNING specifications
The three basic elements of F-CON, water, and spa are essential, and the design of the hotel operation will be done under the advice of headquarters. Bedding and food (brown rice meals and rice flour donuts) can also be used in the development plan.
The building is small. One group per day type is also possible. Can be part of an existing business.
Example: Auberge lodging with a ryotei (Japanese-style restaurant), farming area lodging, etc,
Provision of F-CON
F-CON is offered to existing hotels and lodging businesses.
Please contact us for more information.