Japanese Franchise

Official side event of TICAD8 19th&30th AUG2022

Written by NOBU | Aug 16, 2022 2:12:00 AM

A Simple way to achieve Healthy Soil and Food Security in Africa - Regenerative Agriculture from Tokyo (Official side event of TICAD8)

In the light of TICAD8, we are organizing an event geared toward the exchange of experience and opinion from using Tokyo8, an organic biofertilizer based on micro-organisms (has received the certification for use in Organic agriculture JAS in Japan).

Food security and soil health are important problems that are growing alongside the population. With the disruption of the distribution chain and the war in Ukraine, cereals and fertilizers are getting scarce or expensive. Tokyo8 aims to alleviate those issues with a biofertilizer that can be locally produced at a very low price. With a microfranchise business model and installations that are affordable/can be built anywhere with water, we aspire to revolutionize the usage of fertilizers in African countries and participate in the betterment of the society. This model could not have evolved this way without the participation and the input of ex ABE Initiative students and African exchange students and we hope it can involve further thanks to them.

It will soon be one year since our cooperation with people from various African countries has started, therefore we want to give a platform to express their voice to the ex ABE Initiative students that have agreed to use and explore the local production of Tokyo8 in their own countries in order to support small-holder farmers and local agriculture.

They will share their different experiences with the product and the local community. It will also cover their opinion and impression on Tokyo8 as well as how they used the biofertilizer and their projects with it.

The program will be :

  • 19th of August: Presentation on results in Africa
  • 30th of August: Cases from Japan

The event is free and you can attend both days, documents will be provided in either Japanese or English.

This event will take place during the side event period of TICAD8, a Japanese government-led conference to be held in Tunisia on August 27th and 28th.

Outline of the event:

A Simple Way Healthy Soil and Food Security - Regenerative Agriculture from Tokyo

Day 1: August 19, 2022 (Friday) 19:00 - 21:00 Presentations and information exchange mainly from overseas

Day 2: August 30, 2022 (Tuesday) 19:00-21:00 Presentations and information exchange mainly from Japan

Venue: zoom webinar; participation is welcome.

Participation fee: Free of charge

Eligibility: Anyone interested in healthy soil, food security, and regenerative agriculture

How to participate: Register by using the following form. The webinar link will be sent to you in a few days.

Capacity: 100 participants

We look forward to your participation and hearing your voice.



About TOKYO8>> http://www.tokyo8global.com/blog.html