Japanese Franchise

Explore the ultimate guide to planning your Japan franchise tour, designed to maximize your business insights and opportunities.

Written by NOBU | Aug 30, 2024 4:36:06 AM

Let's actually see with your eyes, taste with your tongue, and talk to CEO of Franchisor!


With the development of the Internet, things have become much more convenient.

We can now easily talk online with people who are considering a Japanese franchise. I think this is a great progress.

However, there is a limit to the amount of information that can be gathered via the Internet.

This is especially true for the food business we are dealing with.



Just because ramen is popular does not mean that any ramen will thrive in your country.

Just because Japanese food is popular does not mean that any Japanese food will do.

It does not mean that AI can give you a good answer.


In the end, human beings must make the final decision. It is a business, and you, as a business owner, must make the decision yourself.


Our job is to provide you with materials to judge Japanese business.


We will prepare several potential Japanese business partners in your genre of interest and set up an inspection and interview with them in time for your visit to Japan.


Although we are in different countries, when you talk to the franchisor's management as comrades in management, you will understand more than language.

I believe that franchising is a comradely union.


Do you treat them as human beings and feel like-minded?

That is why we are so concerned about our inspection tours.


Our Japan franchise tours are set up on your dates in Japan.

We will arrange for you to visit a business in your genre of interest for 3 to 6 days in Japan.

Transportation is at your own expense.

More information : Franchise inspection Tour https://fc.assentia-hd.com/inspectiontour