Not a hamburger, but a hamburg steak?

Strange things are happening all over the world right now.
These strange things are originating in Japan.
The food known as hamburger steak has started to become popular in China, Taiwan and the ASEAN countries.
Hamburger steak is a dish made from just the patty of a hamburger.
It is a dish that was born and evolved in Japan.
In Japan, there are many different types of hamburger steak, including not only 100% beef, but also those made with a mixture of beef and pork, and those made with a mixture of meat, onions and flour.
In addition to being served in restaurants, it is also the number one dish that mothers make for their children at home. It is also a very common dish that all Japanese mothers can cook.
If you ask any Japanese person to name their five favorite dishes, you can be sure that hamburger steak will be one of them.

Distinctive cuisine
However, for a long time, it was not accepted by people overseas.
The reason for this was that many hamburgers in Japan contained various ingredients (such as onions and flour) in addition to meat, and it was unclear what was actually in them.
Recently, restaurants that serve special 100% beef hamburgers have become very popular in Japan, and they have finally started to expand overseas.
Today, we will introduce a hamburger restaurant chain that is expanding through franchising.
There are about 30 Fukuyoshi hamburger restaurants in Japan.
The first characteristic of this hamburger restaurant is that the food is delicious, but the second characteristic is that the food is served very quickly.
If the food is delicious and served quickly, the number of customers that can be served in a day will increase, and sales can be expected to increase
Quick Know-how
The reason for the quick service was the kitchen system.
The owner of Fukuyoshi is a scientist who has greatly improved the kitchen. And Fukuyoshi is run in a way that would never have occurred to a traditional chef.
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