"Bad money drives out good money."


"Bad money drives out good money."


"Bad money drives out good money."

These are the famous words of Prime Minister Gresham.

If bad coins with low gold content are circulated in the market, people will store gold coins with high gold content (good coins) at home and spend the low gold content coins (bad coins) in the market, and the market will quickly become full of bad coins. This is the story of the "bad money.

People and companies are the same, and when there are bad coins in a company, the good coins gradually stop being good coins. The organization becomes exhausted and begins to decline.

You have to know who are the good coins and who are the bad coins. A company has a philosophy. (A company without a philosophy is out of the question...).

(A company without a philosophy is out of the question...)) In accordance with its philosophy, it plays the bad currency.

Therefore, corporate management must be the exact opposite: "Good money drives out bad money! and this is what it is all about.

The same is true of human relationships. Bad money clumps together with bad money, and good money gathers and solidifies with good money. It is very important to have a sense of smell in this area.

When we introduce people to each other's acquaintances, we put our own filtering in place so that no strange people come in. And since the acquaintances also filter out the same kind of people, no strange people will come in. This is a chain of events.

Good money drives out bad money!

This is the best state of affairs.

Akira Tsuchiya, AssentiaHoldings Pte.

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