First trip to a local city in a long time! (Introducing the project of Know-How Collective Genius)

First trip to a local city in a long time! (Introducing the project of Know-How Collective Genius)
Now that I can no longer return or go abroad in Corona, I am travelling to regional cities in Japan. Now, with Zoom and other tools, I can work anywhere, and as the word "workcation" suggests, there is no longer a need to work in an office. It is a new version of what used to be called nomadism, where you travel to a remote location and continue working there. I myself started my franchisee development business in 1991. The first company I supported was St. Mark's. It was a franchise business called Bakery Restaurant St. Mark's, with an initial cost of 150-200 million yen. Even at the time, this was a heavy investment for a franchise, and selling this as a product was an extremely difficult task. The franchisees were all companies of a certain calibre, even in rural areas. It was very enjoyable to connect with such business owners. The number of supported brands continued to increase, including Gyukaku, Gulliver, Katsuya, Maido Ookini Shokudo, Gin-no-Sara, etc. Eventually, 1,800 companies franchised with the company to develop their businesses. The number of restaurants reached 8,000! We are now visiting these companies all over Japan again. We have already visited Kochi, Nagasaki, and Kagoshima. We will continue to visit selected cities in the future. At that time, we visited almost all cities with a population of 200,000 or more. I looked around at the location environment for store openings. Even now, this is still my asset. I know the location environment of commercial areas all over Japan. Recently, I visited companies again and found out that they are all hungry for new business. I have been visiting companies again recently, and what I have found out is that they are all hungry for new business. They don't know how to find a new business. The business that has been developed before has become obsolete. Want to change the type of business but don't know how to do it. Want to find a business that fits the changing environment? We are facing various problems in our current business, such as personnel problems, cost problems, and customer attraction problems. We want to diversify our business, but the quickest way to do so is through franchises that supply know-how. etc. At least, it is a fact that we introduced franchises to them in the past as a new business, and they have developed their business. What we can do is plan and promote solutions to their current problems. When we supported St. Mark's, Gyukaku, Gulliver, Katsuya, Maido Ookini Shokudo, Curves, etc. in the past, when we supported and expanded each business, we always asked ourselves how well the business fit the environment of each era. We have selected these businesses in consideration of the future business environment. We do not support a business because it seems to be trendy, because existing stores are doing well, or because directly managed stores are profitable, but because it is the right business for the company. We started to support development only after we had worked out the significance of the business. (The reasons for supporting each business are omitted.) We are currently promoting the same kind of project at our company. As a new business, we will introduce a business that fits the future environment: "Business meetings where franchisees play a leading role" We are planning business meetings where business owners can come out of their own president's office because they can participate in business meetings via Zoom. Our franchise businesses are gathered from all over Japan. Not franchises that have already been established and spread throughout Japan, but businesses that are at an early stage, but are suited to the future business environment and have great potential for growth. Businesses that can be developed in regional cities. Businesses that do not need people. We have collected a lot of them. Most multi-franchisee companies have a separate core business to begin with. For many of them, it is only through franchises that they are able to enter into new businesses because they are supplied with know-how by the head office. When we interviewed these franchise managers, they told us that they could receive know-how for their own brand from the head office, but they wanted to broaden their knowledge to include the success stories of other companies and brands. They are interested in a wide range of topics, including management of store figures, personnel evaluations, sales promotion methods, and measures to increase sales. Some headquarters are excellent at supplying know-how, while others are not. If this is the case, member stores themselves must actively go out to absorb know-how in various fields. The "Multi-franchisee Know-how Exchange Meeting" is a place where you can learn about know-how that transcends brands, as a way of thinking like a collective genius of such know-how. This event was started as a place where each business owner can participate from the president's office and absorb the know-how of multi-franchisees who are active in various franchise fields throughout Japan. I myself joined many franchises as a franchisee of Prime Link Corporation, the company I first founded, including St. Mark's, Gyukaku, Gulliver, Takadaya, Toritetsu, Toriden, and Ippei, and absorbed their know-how and developed it into my own know-how. I have also built up my know-how as the headquarter of many franchises. We would like to offer the management know-how of the core of these franchise businesses to everyone. If you are interested in participating, please let us know. The most recent events are listed below. You can also apply through the website. (Friday, October 9, "Business Meeting with Franchisees Taking the Lead" from 10:00 a.m. "Multi-Franchisee Know-How Exchange" from 3:00 p.m. ->
As we meet with you in various locations around the country, I can only think of one thing: sharing strategies not for our own sake or for the sake of the head office, but for the sake of your franchisees to grow their businesses. I sincerely hope that we can create such an opportunity. This is also true overseas, and we have been developing various Japanese franchises around the world since 2010, starting with our expansion into Singapore. Our expansion area now includes 190 stores in 20 countries. Not only Asia but also America, Europe, Australia, the Middle East (UAE, Saudi Arabia), etc. Negotiations are underway for Africa as well. In each country, there are franchisees similar to yours. There are also many multi-franchisees. As a second step, we would like to create a place where these overseas franchisees and Japanese franchisees can exchange know-how. Different countries have different management know-how. When I talk with them overseas, I hear things like, "You can do that! I am constantly amazed at the way they do things. We would like to create such a place, "a place of the collective genius of global know-how. I look forward to working with you. Ascentia Holdings Representative Tsuchiya Know-how1009