Apple store and Softbank shop



I bought an iPhone at an Apple store a while ago.

I like it very much.

I went to a Softbank store yesterday to change my payment method.

Both stores deal with the same iPhone and can provide both purchase and after-sales service.

But something is different.

The quality of service, the hospitality of the people, the care.

Everything is better at the Apple Store.


Busyness? The number of employees?

No. No.

It's love for the product. It's a commitment to the service you perform, to the company, the product, and the brand.

Simply put.

You either love it or you don't.

Apple Store employees love Macs. You can tell by looking at them.

They have pride.

The corporate culture and organizational climate affect the people who work there and even change them.

Such a company is strong. The people who work there are happy.

How about Softbank?

Once upon a time, there was a PC called Gateway.

Like Macintosh, it had enthusiastic fans and employees. There was status in having one.

Organizing a group of like-minded people is strong.

Stronger than an organization driven by money and liked by customers.

Because customers smell the same smell as you.

Do you like it?

The product.

The company.

Ascentia Holdings Corporation
Akira Tsuchiya

Assentia Holdings,Inc.
Akira Tsuchiya