「Franchise Ship (フランチャイズ シップ)」に則って!

2015年7月25日 前々職であるベンチャー・リンクの民事再生から3年が経った。
どこの企業の社長にきいてもベンチャー・リンクグループの元社員は非常に優秀だと聞く。 入社前からの資質がいいのか?入社後の会社の社員教育が良かったのか? そんなよく質問を受ける。
それでは環境とはなにか? 会社が与えてくれる社員研修?語学研修?
私の言う環境とは? 人が創りだすもの。
一人の人で創りだされるのではなく、人と人が影響しあって環境を作り出し、その環境がまた人と 触れ合って、触媒となり新しい環境をつくる。
会社員であるにもかかわらず、飲みにいっても将来の夢の話、会社や 上司の悪口など全くなかった。
楽しみというより愉しみ。苦しみつらさも当然あるけど、それらを全部ひっくるめての愉しみ。 成長しているという愉しみ。
単なるゴルフ行って、飲みに行って楽しという刹那的な楽しみでなく、実のある愉しみとでも言うのか。そんな空気感。 独特の空気感だった。
いまとなっては味わうことももうできないけど、それぞれ独立していった社員がそれぞれの会社でその 空気感を醸しだしている。
この7月後半から新しいプロジェクトがスタートし、プライム・リンク、ベンチャー・リンク時代に お世話になった、加盟店の皆様に会う機会が多い。
「元VL、PLの社員が弊社にもおりまして、本当に優秀で助かっています。」 聞くたびにうれしくなる!
7月26日から、その最後の社長を務め上げた「松本 信彦」を弊社の役員で迎えた。 彼なりに3年間の「禊」(みそぎ)を終えての社会復帰。
そんな彼が「フランチャイズ シップ」という言葉を発し始めた。
スポーツマン シップ、パートナー シップ、、、、、(〜らしさ、あるべき姿)
「フランチャイズ シップ」に則ってビジネスを展開する。
*このプロジェクトについては、まだまだお話できない部分も多くあるのですが、着実に進んでおりますので皆様の前でご報告できる状態になったら 開示したいと思います。
AssentiaHoldings,Pte Ltd
Akira Tsuchiya
In accordance with the Franchise Ship!
July 25, 2015 Three years have passed since the civil rehabilitation of my former employer, Venture Link.
Even though the company is no longer in existence, the former warriors are still scattered throughout various companies.
Ask the presidents of any company and you will hear that the former employees of the Venture Link Group are extremely talented. Are their qualities good from before they joined the company? Was the company's employee training after they joined good? I am often asked such questions.
From my perspective, who worked inside the company, the answer is one.
It is neither of those things.
The environment within the company created the people!
It comes down to this one word.
So what is the environment? Is it the employee training provided by the company? Language training?
I don't think there was any such thing.
What do I mean by environment? It is something created by people.
It is not created by a single person, but by people interacting with each other to create an environment, which in turn interacts with other people to become a catalyst and create a new environment.
This is the chain.
Many of the members had the same qualities.
Even though they were company employees, when they went out for a drink, they never talked about their dreams for the future or bad-mouthed the company or their bosses.
Everyone enjoyed every day and enjoyed their work. From morning to night.
It was not so much fun as enjoyment. Of course there was pain and hardship, but it was a pleasure to be able to enjoy all of it. The joy of growing up.
It is not just a momentary enjoyment of going golfing and drinking, but a real enjoyment. Such an atmosphere. It was a unique atmosphere.
It is impossible to experience it now, but the employees who have gone independent are creating that atmosphere in their own companies.
I started a new project in the latter half of July, and I have many opportunities to meet with many of the member stores who helped me during my time at Prime Link and Venture Link.
I am grateful to all of them for their willingness to spend time with me.
We have former VL and PL employees who are really good and helpful. It makes me happy every time I hear this!
The company may be gone, but its philosophy remains.
On July 26, we welcomed "Nobuhiko Matsumoto," who served as the last president of the company, as a member of our board of directors. He has returned to society after three years of "purification" in his own way.
I think he has a lot of things he wants to do. We will steadily and surely advance them little by little.
First of all, he has started greeting those who have helped him and reporting on what he will do in the future.
He has begun to speak the words "franchise ship.
Sportsmanship, partner ship 、、、、、 (~ness, what it should be)
The image of the word "franchise" in Japan is worse than in other countries.
The image of an exploitative business, such as a convenience store, like a pyramid scheme, remains.
The business is conducted in accordance with the "franchise ship" principle.
Both the head office side and the franchisee side.
This is the keyword we would like to use for our new project.
There are still many aspects of this project that I cannot tell you about, but we are making steady progress, and I would like to disclose them when I am ready to report them to you.
This is what I felt during my trip to Japan.
Thank you very much for your cooperation!
On the plane to Singapore.
Assentia Holdings,Pte Ltd
Akira Tsuchiya
フランチャイズビジネスの意義と価値 https://www.assentia-hd.com/newproject/why/